Junk Cars

We Buy Junk Cars!

We Pay Cash for Junk Cars in and around Suwanee, Johns Creek & Lawrenceville, GA

We Pay Cash for Junk Cars in and around Suwanee, Johns Creek & Lawrenceville, GA

Turn that hunk of junk into cold, hard cash

Your old, inoperable vehicle isn't doing anything other than taking up space in your garage. Why not sell your junk car for cash? If you'd like to trade in that hunk of junk for a couple hundred bucks, contact S&A Affordable Towing in Suwanee, Johns Creek or Lawrenceville, GA. We pay cash for junk cars on the spot.

If you need to get rid of an old car, call 678-558-6084 now. We'll pay up to $700 for unwanted and junk vehicles.

Turn your junk car into cash with no hassle

We make it easy for residents in Suwanee, Johns Creek & Lawrenceville, GA to sell junk cars. All you'll need to do is:

  • Call or email S&A Affordable Towing
  • Tell us a little about your car
  • Let us know when we can pick it up

After that, you can sit back and relax while we tow that old junker off your property. Contact us now to find out more about how you can get cash for your junk car.

Get paid to get rid of your junk cars

If you have a junk car taking up space on your property, you can get paid for it. Instead of letting it collect dust in your yard, reach out to S&A Affordable Towing. We will buy any junk car you have, no matter the condition it's in. Not only that, but you can also count on us to arrive at your property within half an hour to haul it away.

The more complete your car is, the more we'll pay for it. If the car can run, or only needs a few repairs, you'll get paid big bucks. Regardless, we pay better than anyone else in Gwinnett County, so choose us as your buyer for junk cars.

Learn more about our junk car buying service by calling 687-558-6084 today.